Hola! My name is Chanel and I'm a freshman. Coming on this mission trip was quite the adventure! I've been on mission trips before, but nothing like this. I've never been out of the country and have taken minimum Spanish. From flying, to being immersed into a Spanish speaking country has been a learning experience. This country is filled with so much beauty not just the landscape, but the people of El Salvador also. The thing i was most excited about was meeting the families for whom we would be serving. At the house that I'm working at we're building a house for Danielle and her grandmother. The little girl lives with her father right now and hasn't been around a lot.
Michelle and Tiana who have been around the house :)
Our days have been pretty filled. In the mornings we start off with morning prayer, breakfast, and heading out to the neighborhood. It only takes about ten minutes to get there. We then work all morning and head back for lunch and a little bit of down time. Then in the afternoon we head back out for about 3 more hours to finish up our work. When we get back to the Unbound compound we have some rec. time and usually play volleyball before dinner. After dinner we have meetings, debrief time to talk/reflect about our day, and then mass and night prayer. So It's been a really good past few days and I know we all feel very blessed to have this opporitunity to serve here and learn about this country.
This is a picture of all of us on the truck heading back to the compound. With all the kids heading home from school! :)
Adios y Buenos Noches!
~Chanel Woiderski
Bueno! Love is good! Mom